Secret No.1 to Becoming a Successful Model – Have a Flawless Portfolio

Becoming a Successful Model – Have a Flawless Portfolio

Whether you aspire to walk down the runway of Pakistan Fashion Week and get a hearty applause or you simply love to make a career out of wearing designer clothing and showing it off to the world, there are certain steps you need to take before you can go and make your fairy tale come true. If you are a model wannabe then you must know the importance of your photo portfolio. There is nothing that could benefit you more in this industry, than a perfectly made portfolio!

Steps to create your perfect portfolio

Modeling, may it be of any type, requires careful planning to portray a smart personality. You may not be a striking beauty, but with an appropriate portfolio highlighting your most beautiful features, you can still get into this glittering modeling industry easily. Hence, the first step is to create a brilliant portfolio. Designers and advertising agencies consider the portfolios to judge how you would look as a professional model.

Go through this step-by-step guide and find out how you can build a great fashion portfolio and kick-start your career the right way!

Step 1 – Look for a Professional Photographer

It is better to have 10 amazing photos than 25 pictures that are just okay. So, start by finding a professional photographer for your portfolio shoot.

  • Look on the internet and ask your friends or colleagues for references.
  • Before choosing a photographer, look at some samples of their previous work.
  • Call them for a discussion or visit their studio.
  • Ask about pricing, makeup, etc.

Hire-a-Makeup-ArtistPicture Source:

Step 2 – Hire a Makeup Artist

If you are lucky, your photographer will help you find the right makeup artist. You can also search for a makeup artist on your own, using the internet. The best way to find an experienced makeup artist is to check the local fashion magazines. This is because their work is already published in the magazine for you to see. Discuss your stats and the price with them.

Step 3 – Decide Your Look

Deciding your look for the portfolio shoot can seem difficult. Go for a simpler photo shoot in the beginning that highlights your good side. Don’t try anything very new or something you are not comfortable doing.

Decide Your LookPicture Source:

Follow these tips:

  • Include your head shot and full length shots with different expressions and looks.
  • Use more of black and white or sepia medium instead of color for bolder shots.
  • Take photos in natural light.
  • It is better to use a light background.
  • Remember: VARIETY is the main thing. Show different styles and characters in your pictures.

groom yourselfSource:  The Facial Workout

Step 4 – Groom Yourself

Work on your looks, including your hair, skin and nails, before the shoot.

  • Get an acne treatment if you have pimples.
  • Get rid of the split ends by getting a haircut.
  • Get a manicure/pedicure to make your hands and feet more attractive.

Step 5 – Know Your Body and Stats

If you want to look professional to modeling agencies, learn this personal information by heart:

  • Height
  • Weight
  • Shoe size
  • Clothing measurements (dress size, hip, waist, chest, etc.)
  • Hair color
  • Eye color
  • Skin tone


Some extra to-do’s for the perfect portfolio

Bringing together an amazing portfolio is not enough for making a debut in the industry; it requires a passion to succeed and the discipline to pursue that dream without giving up. Other than the main steps, remember the following important points:

  • Always practice posing and experiment in wearing different clothes before your portfolio shoot.
  • If you are good at dancing, take some pictures in those poses to impress the agencies.
  • Get a good rest and be calm on the day of the shoot. Your pictures will turn out to be more impressive if you are relaxed.
  • Always listen carefully and open-mindedly to the photographer and follow instructions.
  • Only add those photos in your portfolio that you think are special.
  • Make your portfolio neat, clear and organized.
  • Keep updating and improving your portfolio.

We wish you the best of luck as you walk on the road to turn your skill into a goldmine!

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M Adnan
M Adnan(@m-adnan)
5 years ago


Usama Akif
Usama Akif(@usama-akif)
3 years ago

I am 19 yo male with light brown skin and almost perfect body posture with height 5.6 feet ! Can I become a model ! What I have to do to become a good model !