Secret No. 5 to Becoming a Successful Model – Gorgeous Skin!

Secret No. 5 to Becoming a Successful Model – Gorgeous Skin!

No matter what type of modeling career you opt for, a models greatest asset is her features, especially her face. Agencies prefer a model with flawless, glowing clear skin. This requires proper care and treatment. Here is the ModelsHunter guide to achieve beautiful skin that is bound to get you your dream job!

6 Steps for Making Your Skin Look Beautiful

There are many myths and misconceptions about skin treatments. Here is a list of what you need to do and how you need to do it.

Step 1 – Exfoliate Daily

Your skin is exposed to dust and damage on a regular basis, giving it a dull appearance. It is important to remove this layer of dirt and dead cells to reveal fresh new skin. Use scrubs to cleanse your skin daily. This allows the skin to breath, making it more luminescent and fresh-looking.

If your skin is sebaceous (oily) and you have problems with acne, regular exfoliation is the key to maintaining healthy, beautiful skin.

Exfoliate Daily


Regular Facial TreatmentsPicture Source:


Step 2 – Regular Facial Treatments

Your daily at-home facial treatments are not good enough when you’re a model. Sure, they do wonders in maintaining your skin, but you need to put in additional effort for achieving the standards of a modeling agency.

  • Chemical peels and facial mask are very effective in replenishing skin of its lost brightness. Chose the one right for you and get professional treatment.
  • A series of microelectronics treatments can do wonders for reducing scars and rejuvenating the skin.

Step 3 – Vitamin C-infused Serum

Vitamin C is the best antioxidant there is. Skin products infused with Vitamin C help restore lost glow and vigor.

  • Antioxidants also repair skin damage.
  • These creams and serums enhance the levels of collagen in the skin, which is the protein that makes skin appear more agile and youthful.

Vitamin C-infused SerumPicture Source:



Step 4 – Apply Sunscreen Regularly

Pigmentation and dull spots can be a deal breaker for a model. The ultraviolet rays of the sun are a major cause of such skin problems, leaving you looking dull and unattractive. The best and easiest way to avoid this from happening is to use sunscreen habitually; never leave home without it!

  • Adopt a proactive approach and use a sunscreen with an SPF (sun protection factor) of at least 30 for effective skin protection.

Apply a Night maskPicture Source:



Step 5 – Apply a Night mask

The skin silently heals itself as we sleep, and using a night mask can make this process more efficient.

  • After you apply your moisturizer, apply a thin layer of your preferred hydrating mask. This is especially useful for dry, damaged or irritated skin.
  • Don’t be harsh on your skin when you remove the mask. Gently wipe it off with a warm, damp cloth.

Step 6 – Eating Right

Apart from artificially helping the skin cope with damage, there are natural methods as well. The best of these is eating a healthy and balanced diet. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as citrus fruits, green tea and dark green vegetables is an easy way to get truly amazing and glowing skin.
  • Foods rich in anti-inflammatory and healing nutrients, such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids help the skin heal and repair itself on a regular basis.

The road to gorgeous skin requires effort and consistency, but it isn’t hard once you get the hang of things. A model needs to take care of herself if she wants to be successful and get jobs. So follow these instructions and you will certainly not be disappointed.


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